Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Goods

You love restaurants. We love restaurants. And we all know it takes a good group behind the scenes to help a restaurant be successful. Between cranking out spectacular saucers of seafood and soul getting to know the gang that is exceeding your extravagant expectations is tough. Insert ‘The Goods’ where you get a personal peek (or the goods) into the lives and inspiration of those brilliant beings that make Leopold “happen”. And of course, who better to kick off our series, then the guy helming our stoves and all things food, Executive Chef Jeffrey Hedin.

Working in a restaurant means every team member must be as prepared as possible … before the first guest sits down, because invariably the evening will present some sort of chaos. Part of preparation is inspiration both in the culinary and mental realms. Hedin, finds inspiration both within and outside his field. “I get inspired when I work with people I can relate to, the passion and creativity in others is contagious whether it is from a line cook that gets excited about a new dish or a farmer who can’t wait to share the most seasonal produce with you” says Hedin. “But it’s important to keep a balance when looking for inspiration, so I look outside the world of food in photography (mine and others) music and film.” Speaking of music, if you’ve ever worked in a restaurant, the music prior to opening the doors is many times quite different from that of the dining room correct selections. Hedin and his crew find inspiration in music the same way they keep the palate fresh, by mixing it up and having a good range “getting ready for service, we want to know the music so we can get into it, and it always depends on how we’re feeling, from Charles Mingus to The Pixies to The Wu Tang Clan.” Making sure everyone has that good vibe and feeling in the kitchen leads to inspiration in any cook’s life. When considering some of the dishes that Hedin is most proud of he reflects on working menu construction and modification with Christine Kim at Green Zebra, and that he has pride in so many dishes there are too many to list. And while inspiration is essential in any business, stepping away and gaining perspective always allows for better vision. “Opening a restaurant can have it’s exciting and stressful moments, but great support and little quiet time away from the restaurant helps, like my best days off spent with my girlfriend Meghan or relaxing with some guilty pleasure t.v. and comfort food.” In the world of guilty pleasure t.v. Hedin admits “I love nerds, so I geek out on Criminal Minds or Big Bang Theory” and those chill days vegging out with his lovely significant other get even better with a good steak burrito. And while Leopold has just opened, there’s always a vacation twinkling at the end of a busy tunnel, and it’s no surprise that our Chef’s best vacation was in Europe. “I went to Germany in 2006 for the World Cup. Landed in London, flew to Hamburg, and took a train down to Munich. We spent three weeks in June filling our days playing pick-up soccer with people from all around the world. The evenings were just as invigorating watching the games and sipping on German beer.” Fantastic food, buff beer and scintillating soccer … sounds like an ideal vacation indeed. So with inspiration at our heals, vacations on our horizons and Wu Tang Clan in our ears we leave you with our first installment of ‘The Goods’. Cheers!

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